21 Beautiful Bonbons Origine


bonbons origine bonbon is a candy or small confection especially a small candy coated in chocolate The word originated from the French language where the first reports of bonbons come from the 17th century when they were made at the French royal court The name bonbon arose from the reduplication of the word bon meaning good in French Type ConfectioneryAlternative names Bon bonsDisambiguation Buckeye Candy Pralines bonbons origine Word Origin See more synonyms for bonbon on Thesaurus noun plural bon bons bon bonz French baw n baw n b n b nz French b b

to view on Bing1 47Jul 07 2018 Os broy s peau de porc Voil ce que cache la g latine dans les bonbons Author BrutViews 30K bonbons origine kitchen old fashioned bon bonsOct 07 2013 Sweets bon bons sugarplums sweetmeats Candy is known by many names the world around and it has delighted people for millennia The ancient Turks were said to be the first candy makers using honey and rosewater as their favored ingredients 5 5 2 Cuisine AmericanServings 20Category Dessert of bonbon in English bonbon noun A piece of confectionery a sweet Example sentences The finest chocolate bonbons allow the flavor of the chocolate to come through without interference from the other flavors and ingredients

23 2018 Borrowed from French bonbon reduplication of bon good from Latin bonus Noun bonbon plural bonbons A sweet especially a small chocolate covered candy A small spherical savory snack or canap The terrine was served with black pudding bonbons Australia South Africa A Christmas cracker bonbons origine of bonbon in English bonbon noun A piece of confectionery a sweet Example sentences The finest chocolate bonbons allow the flavor of the chocolate to come through without interference from the other flavors and ingredients

bonbons origine Gallery

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